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Friday, August 19, 2011

Effective Parenting is as Easy as 1-2-3 #elleeyre #children #parenting


A “good” athlete observes and models other athletes who are getting the effect they which to achieve. “Successful” professionals also study and model others they find to be successful and then model their strategies to attain the results they desire. All of the parents I know have the desire to be ‘good’ ones. Each parent is challenged with factors that affect how they approach parenting. The closest and most apparent model two people have as parents is their parents. Evolution encourages us to continually improve and progress which is very evident when interviewing parents about their style of parenting in comparison to their parents. With each couple on the path of parental evolution a large amount of information has surfaced about ways to be a ‘good’ parent.

Children are an expression of two individuals and they way they desire to impact the world through this expression. Objectives reflect the overall effect a parent desires to have on the world through bringing their children to adulthood. Effective parents consider what their objectives are for raising children and base their actions upon what they plan to achieve as a parent. Effective parents measure the success of their methods by observing how their children respond to their world. Effective parents teach their children how to function constructively, encourage their children to express themselves and adjust methods that are not working.

Three easy steps to becoming a more effective parent are:

  1. Define your objective as a parent. Brainstorm what qualities you desire to see in your children as adults. Create a statement that reflects your objective.
  2. Consider the overall impact you will have on the world by accomplishing your objective through raising your children.
  3.  Define the tools your children will need to have to develop the qualities you desire to see.  Manage situations using these tools and in a way that supports your objective.

There is one more gift effective parents give their children:

Freedom. Freedom to express themselves, freedom to experiment with the tools they are learning, and freedom to trust their own inner knowing.

The results speak for themselves. You can measure the results by observing how your child handles decisions and position themselves in social situations at home or around friends. When someone needs to have their voice heard they express it in many ways behaviorally, verbally or through self-defeating behaviors. Children who receive tools that are helpful to them and cause them to be successful in their lives as they live it tend to seek and take parental guidance more often. Preparing a child to handle their thoughts, emotions, and physical expressions constructively is what parents are for.

Effective Parenting is as Easy as 1-2-3


A “good” athlete observes and models other athletes who are getting the effect they which to achieve. “Successful” professionals also study and model others they find to be successful and then model their strategies to attain the results they desire. All of the parents I know have the desire to be ‘good’ ones. Each parent is challenged with factors that affect how they approach parenting. The closest and most apparent model two people have as parents is their parents. Evolution encourages us to continually improve and progress which is very evident when interviewing parents about their style of parenting in comparison to their parents. With each couple on the path of parental evolution a large amount of information has surfaced about ways to be a ‘good’ parent.

Children are an expression of two individuals and they way they desire to impact the world through this expression. Objectives reflect the overall effect a parent desires to have on the world through bringing their children to adulthood. Effective parents consider what their objectives are for raising children and base their actions upon what they plan to achieve as a parent. Effective parents measure the success of their methods by observing how their children respond to their world. Effective parents teach their children how to function constructively, encourage their children to express themselves and adjust methods that are not working.

Three easy steps to becoming a more effective parent are:

  1. Define your objective as a parent. Brainstorm what qualities you desire to see in your children as adults. Create a statement that reflects your objective.
  2. Consider the overall impact you will have on the world by accomplishing your objective through raising your children.
  3.  Define the tools your children will need to have to develop the qualities you desire to see.  Manage situations using these tools and in a way that supports your objective.

There is one more gift effective parents give their children:

Freedom. Freedom to express themselves, freedom to experiment with the tools they are learning, and freedom to trust their own inner knowing.

The results speak for themselves. You can measure the results by observing how your child handles decisions and position themselves in social situations at home or around friends. When someone needs to have their voice heard they express it in many ways behaviorally, verbally or through self-defeating behaviors. Children who receive tools that are helpful to them and cause them to be successful in their lives as they live it tend to seek and take parental guidance more often. Preparing a child to handle their thoughts, emotions, and physical expressions constructively is what parents are for.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Faves and Raves #elleeyre #livinglifeempowered #quora #scriptopus #writing #writersblock

This week you get an extra special bonus rave for writers or aspiring writers. Whether you write becuase you have to, like it or love it there are probably times when you would do anything for the writing gods to shine down their rays of inspiration without any luck. We call it writer's block, I call it being just plain stuck.

I shared one of my latest addictions with you last week when I wrote my rave about Quora.com, a place I have found fountains of inspiration and information for my own writing projects. This week while in the throws of being stuck waist deep creatively I found myself perusing Quora for a ray of inspiration. I followed many questions until I ran across one addressing the very state I was in, good ole writer's block. The suggestion in one of the answers to the question "What are the best ways to overcome writer's block?"  became my angel of mercy, www.scriptopus.com. Contributor Stephanie Saulter had mentioned that writing a mere 15 minutes everyday was an excellent practice to keep those creative juices flowing and suggested that readers try http://scriptopus.com.

The rest is history, I popped on over to the site and started writing with a technique that differed from my normal projects. Usually I suggest that when someone gets stuck they should engage in something that seems completely unrelated. The remedies for mental stuckness do not include more thinking, and being stuck in action can be released with a change in though or perspective. This time all it took was to write under different circumstances, creative writing had become the key to open my mind and get the words flowing again.

The things that I love about Scriptopus is that it is timed, it gives you as many as a thousand words to use, and you can choose to start a story or develop a story. I am in love and it has turned out to be part of my morning writing routine. Check it out and see how it works for you.  http://scriptopus.com/stories/66


Untill next time....happy writing,


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

5 Quick Tips to Determine if You Are Truly ‘Stuck’ #elleeyre #livinglifeempowered #personaldevelopment #creativeblocks

Energy moves with you, through you, and around you. Being stuck indicates that there is no movement.  Consider that at these times the movement may not look the way you planned it, the way you expected your results to appear in your world and so you feel 'stuck'. When it seems that you are reaching countless dead ends take a step back and feel where the energy is moving you.

I have found evidence over and over again of something that arose during a conversation with my mother once, “Be careful about what you ask for because you just might get it. If you ask for more patience, you may find yourself in the center of situations where you have the opportunity to practice patience until you have mastered it or gone as far as you can go.” I have found consistent results that are congruent with this subject across many different types of situations in my life and in the lives of others as I have looked at them closely.

When you choose to have more money the energy may move you to reconcile lingering money matters. When you choose to have the perfect partner come into your life you may find yourself in situations to clean up your relationships. Whatever you dream or desire the energy is moving you into alignment with it and providing you opportunity to reveal the results you are looking for.


Are you really stuck or are you experiencing the results of energy moving you into alignment with a desire or dream? I am offering some questions that will guide you to find the answer to your ‘stuckness.’

  1. ·         What seems to be the dominating situation, (this can be a thought, feeling, action, circumstance or situation), that you have found yourself in lately?
  2. ·         What occupies your dreams or conversations which you would consider wants or desires, (good, bad, or ugly).
  3. ·         Taking into account what you have been asking for recently (and often, not too recently), can you find evidence that shows you are given opportunity to clean up, reconcile, or adjust your thoughts, feelings, and/or actions toward the object of your desire?  
  4. ·         Destructive thoughts are remedied by seemingly unrelated action; destructive actions can be countered with seemingly unrelated thoughts and feelings. What thought, action, or feeling would disrupt the destructive expression of the energy?
  5. ·         What would happen if you let go of the label on these feelings of “stuck” and allowed yourself to simply hang out In the energy of change?

Identifying what you are feeling and accounting for what you have asked for lately offers perspective to your situation and allows you to make choices about what to think, feel, and do about it in a constructive way. This is a form of self-responsible conflict resolution. Imagine how different life would be as you reduce the energy surrounding seemingly adverse situations or circumstances. Imagine how effective you would be in your life and work without the fear of unexpected circumstances lurking around the corner waiting for just the right moment to rock your boat.  As you master techniques of interpreting the energy you feel around different situations of life you make room for an increase of happiness and joy.


Here's to re-framing our 'stuck-ness'




Monday, August 1, 2011

Faves and Raves...Friday? #elleeyre #livinglifeeempowered #favesandraves #quora #ashtonkutcher #jjabrams

This last week was a little off for me. So off, in fact, that Friday came and went without notice. Wow. So here on a Monday morning I am celebrating TGIF with Faves and Raves.

I would like to rave about Quora.com an online question and answer forum. Why is this forum worthy of an Elle Rave? Whether you are curious, a trivia master, or an aspiring human wikipedia, this forum is filled with people that can answer any question from Ashton to Zombies. Questions are answered from average people, celebrities, experts, and companies.

If you are anything like me the answers and questions themselves are inspiration for thought, writing, and the way we live. I was recently inspired about an article topic by an answer director wiriter J.J. Abrams gave to a question about what it is like to direct a monster movie. You can follow people or topics and topics your people are following.

Put your finger on the pulse of what people want to know at Quora.com.
