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Live BiG2Give BiG - Elle

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Live Life with Passion #passion #life


"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy a quickening tht is translated through you into action; and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. you must keep that channel open. it is not for you to determine how good it is, nor how valuable, nor how it compares with other expressions, it is for you to keep it yours, clearly and directly." --- Martha Graham


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

6 Steps Toward A Difference Only You Can Make #charity #volunteerism

iVolunteer Video from iVolunteer on Vimeo.

This post began to take shape after I read a couple of articles I found in my twitterfeed, SocialEdge"Right brain or left brain?" http://htl.li/6UqPG and 'The value of water in Mali'  http://bit.ly/qgaTdF  by CharityWater. I have a personal connection to Mali, West Africa and am always watchful of new information on assistance for the country. I am also interested in the way people quantify the predicted results and reasons for what they do. These two articles stirred up a particular passion I have about how we create change in our world on a local and global level.

At the beginning of LYFE Empowered 2.0, February 2011 my objective was to live big to give big.  I am an advocate of volunteerism and have been a volunteer for many years. When I was raising my children I had the opportunity to be on several committees in my community.I was involved on a city, school, and neighborhood level engaged in various ways that brought value to my community.

Having my fingers in so many pies I found that I was also engaged in conversations with the curious and the furious everywhere I went. I indulged the curious and to the furious I would often ask."When can I pick you up on Tuesday for the next City Council meeting?" or, "I have several places I could use you, can I put you down as a volunteer?" These questions often closed the conversation quickly and rarely did I ever see anyone at a City Council meeting or recruit a new volunteer. 

It is always easier to complain than it is to dig in and possibly make a change..... or is it?

How do you begin to make the change that only you can make? It is simple. The biggest changes begin close to home. Schools, local organization, charities, and communities are always looking for people interested in trading a little time to make a small difference. Every bit counts.

  1. What are you passionate about? 
  2. Where are you already spending the most time? Work, School, Church, Government Offices, Parks or recreation outlets?
  3. Where do you see opportunity for the most improvement?
  4. What are three things you can do in the next seven days that will move you closer to having an impact on this environment? Consider your resources; who, what, and where. Who do you people you know? What do you have to give? What resources do you have in the area where you would like to see the change? 
  5. On a scale of one to ten, rank these three things based upon how important they are for you to complete. If any of them fall below a five, re-evaluate your tactics. 
  6. Take action on your plan. Make the time, the calls, and put the resources together that will move you closer to accomplishing your objective.

And so, with the season of giving in full swing and the time for a new year's resolution right around the corner, I encourage and challenge you to consider these things and how you will make a the difference only you can make.

Live Big to Give Big,



Resources to get you started: (google is a beautiful thing)








Monday, October 17, 2011

Eat Fresh #elleeyre #diet #nutrition #health


One of the reasons for consuming vegetables is for their natural enzymes, phyto-proteins, and fibres that feed and cleanse our internal systems assisting them in optimum performance. Eat fresh. Pound for pound you will receive more benefits from living produce than frozen.

Produce is picked before it's peak so that it arrives in the market semi-ripe and last longer on the shelf. if the product has not ripened by the time you purchase it you should treat it as the market does and leave it at room temperature until ripe. Direct from the farm markets or markets on the farm are the absolute best places to get your fresh produce. At the supermarket produce that is in season is the produce that is on sale or priced to move quickly.

Choosing foods high in nutrition density and foods that are in season will support the functions of the body during the current season and prepare the body for the oncoming season for maximum survival. Because we live in a global society and reap the benefits of fresh produce year round it is important to recognize what role produce plays in the human diet. Along with sufficient hydration, learning to shop and cook from the produce section is one of the best wellness practices you can develop. Not only will you save money on your grocery bill you will begin to notice a difference in how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Making diet decisions based on good information is key in choosing eating strategies that maximize performance and benefit from our foods.

Friday, October 14, 2011

#Friday #FavesandRaves #TotalBodyDetox

Today Dr. Oz is talking about the 48 Hour Cleanse. Detox and cleanse are used synonymously to describe the best ways to begin a new diet, weight loss program, or boost the metabolism. Detox is a natural function of the body using the skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, and colon.

Today's fave and rave is all about a product that is gentle enough to use every day and powerful enough to do the job efficiently and effectively. Nutranomics Total Body Detox supports these elimination organs with nutrients they need for optimal function while assisting them in doing their job to cleanse toxins from the body.

A superior whole food product that doesn't include anything the body cannot use the Total Body Detox is part of my nutrition strategy. The foods Dr. Oz recommends are the bones of a successful eating strategy for optimum health. These two tactics are easy additions to your personal wellness strategy.

Keep your body rockin'


#Friday #FavesandRaves #TotalBodyDetox


Today Dr. Oz is talking about the 48 Hour Cleanse. Detox and cleanse are used synonymously to describe the best ways to begin a new diet, weight loss program, or boost the metabolism. Detox is a natural function of the body using the skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, and colon.

Today's fave and rave is all about a product that is gentle enough to use every day and powerful enough to do the job efficiently and effectively. Nutranomics Total Body Detox supports these elimination organs with nutrients they need for optimal function while assisting them in doing their job to cleanse toxins from the body.

A superior whole food product that doesn't include anything the body cannot use the Total Body Detox is part of my nutrition strategy. The foods Dr. Oz recommends are the bones of a successful eating strategy for optimum health. These two tactics are easy additions to your personal wellness strategy.


Keep your body rockin'


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Caution: Incomplete Information Can Effect Your Health Decisions?

Prevention: Doubts on Women’s Use of Supplements

As shared in an New York Times article, older women who used common dietary supplements died at slightly higher rates than women who did not.

Incomplete information can cause us to draw conclusions that may not impact our lives as they are presented. Articles are not meant to give you all of the facts, just to peak your interest. In making decisions about your health consider reading the information from the source in order to assess the real risk. http://archinte.ama-assn.org/

Caution: Incomplete Information Can Effect Your Health Decisions?

Prevention: Doubts on Women’s Use of Supplements

As shared in an New York Times article, older women who used common dietary supplements died at slightly higher rates than women who did not.

Incomplete information can cause us to draw conclusions that may not impact our lives as they are presented. Articles are not meant to give you all of the facts, just to peak your interest. In making decisions about your health consider reading the information from the source in order to assess the real risk. http://archinte.ama-assn.org/