According to World Health Organization, nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight, fifty percent of women and twenty-five percent of men are on a diet, over fifty-eight billion dollars are spent each year on weight loss products, and according to a U.S. Today online article, by Nancy Hellmich, obesity, thirty percent body fat or higher, will cost you twelve years of your life. In the Federal Trade Commission's Report on Weight Loss Advertising they clearly state that the reduction of obesity is the responsibility of the community as well as the individual then very soon into the report they state," Many of the products and programs most heavily advertised are at best unproven and at worst unsafe. By promoting unrealistic expectations and false hopes, they doom current weight loss efforts to failure and make future attempts less likely to succeed."
Physical mastery is essential to living BiG and while our community is producing products and providing resources the experts have pretty much doomed us to failure, as a collective society, we have agreed that certain things are true. We have agreed upon the information that food and exercise are the causes of thickness or thin-ness and that it is only through deprivation, pain, and punishment that our desires to reach our best body is obtained. Through my personal and professional experience as a fitness coach and a friend, I have listened to countless women, and men, discuss their personal fitness dilemmas, goals, aspirations, failures, successes, failures, likes, dislikes, frustrations and victories all in the name of health and fitness. The obsession with the body, food, and exercise does not sound healthy and neither do many of the methods. Most include eating too much of one thing and none of another, eliminating everything that tastes good, eating on a schedule (I am guilty of this one as well), regimented, rigid, and "rewarding," if you survive.
One definition of health is well-being mentally, emotionally and physically. I cannot imagine a world of well-being in any area of life especially in fitness where there is fighting with the body and where failure is preset “experts”. It’s as if we feel there are only two choices, either we live and do what ever we want when ever we want regardless of the result or the shape of the body, or we are rigid, regimented and deprive ourselves of the good stuff. I am still wondering what makes us punish ourselves for something that is so beautiful and amazing, a body that deserves to be celebrated and loved. I am wondering why we engage in failure, deprivation and rigidity? We are powerful creators. By the time, I was twelve I knew a great deal about the world and had accomplished many things. I had been in a dance group, performed on stage in a couple of musicals, and twirled a baton in several parades. I learned about boys and my body (ewe), had my first crush and my first kiss. I knew how to make a peanut butter sandwich, tie my shoes, and button my shirt. I knew my abc's, multiplication tables, addition, subtraction, that I loved to draw, the color pink and I had even had the chicken pox. Of course, I learned a lot of other great stuff and my point is that there is a lot to be done in twelve years, books to read, or write, babies to kiss, friends to be made, pies to bake, places to go, people to see, things to know and do. I do not want to miss all that I could experience in twelve years of life, do you?
When we get out of our own way, we allow our desires to come into our lives at quantum rates. Removing the barrier of obsession over the body’s physical appearance and performance is crucial to accomplishing purpose and living lives of passion. The spirit self is the highest working energy we have as living souls. When we allow our spirit self to lead through purpose and passion we live fulfilling lives. We live in a time where the power of thought is mainstream; thanks to Oprah and her attention on the authors of The Secret and Eckhart Tolle we new light is shed on our world as one of intention and manifestation. The body is the most intimate experience we have with matter so it makes sense that we have the ability to use intention to manifest a body that is in alignment with our purpose. By layering mental, emotional, and physical behaviors we can easily shape the body. Olympic athletes have been using virtual technologies to train their bodies for decades in concert with emotional and physical techniques for physical mastery. NLP practitioners use the brains ability to create a full sensory experience to rewrite the neuro-pathways creating greater performance and success for businesses, entertainers and other professionals. It is all about resourcing. According to the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, another definition for health is “a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.” Getting the body into the shape we deserve is less about external input, food and exercise, and more about internal mastery and resourcing.
LYFE© Strategies Coach
and Author of The BiG Skinny BUTt Camp©.
The BiG Skinny BUTt Camp© is an experience in revolutionary strategies for physical mastery using proven mental, emotional, and physical training methods. Rewrite your body contract so that it will do the job you have tirelessly been attempting without it's cooperation, discover the effortless virtual technology used by Olympic athletes for shaping and training the body's performance systems, and learn how to layer mental, emotional and physical action to enhance results.
Live {YOUR} LYFE by Design lyfstyle coaching with Elle Eyre,HLC Don't get your life back, get back into lyfe. Create balanced living strategies for everyday life.
Welcome to My BiG Skinny LYFE
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you will stay and join the conversation.
Live BiG2Give BiG - Elle
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Mastering the Bulge
boot camp,
fitness coaching,
law of attraction,
stress management,
weight loss,
weight management,
weight training
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mediterranean Moderation
Simply consuming more fresh foods, herbs, whole grains, nuts, fish, replacing butter with olive oil, and moving more, you too can consider yourself a part of the Mediterranean diet craze. The little nuances in this eating style make all the difference, and when coupled with regular physical activity make a popular choice among many Americans looking for a new way to loose weight and keep it off. The Mediterranean diet is a perfect example of the principles of moderation and consistency put to practice in the way we choose to eat.
When creating balanced lifestyle strategies, especially those that include losing the excess in life such as weight, emotional stress, or activities, one must consider moderation in all things; exercise, food (especially dessert), fun, work, indoor and outdoor activities. Moderation is the key to consistency, which is the key to success. When applying tools such as new food choices that assist us to remove to the outer layers, or things in the present moments of our life that are in excess, we are better able to remove the under layers that sabotage our success.
Moderation motivates, as it is not extreme and does not lend its self to disappointment or discouragement we do not stop our progress to wallow in these feelings of failure. Fear and failure, plus the fear of failure are the biggest obstacles to making permanent change in our lives. We fear either change it’s self with all of its contingent emotions, or we fear that we will fail and never begin, or if we do begin in spite of the fear of failure, we create self-fulfilling prophecies about our failure. Any way you look at it fear gets in the way. Moderate changes in lifestyle are not scary because they do not require us to let go of so much of what is familiar all at once. So, moderation motivates because it is comfortable.
Slow and steady wins the race and I play to win, do you? In the parable of the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise wins the race with a consistently slow pace. The hare, assuming he has already won due to his confidence in his speed, foolishly falls asleep under a tree and wakes up too late to win the race. Those with who consistently apply themselves to change in a way that is simple and moderate will find themselves at the finish line sooner than they think. Imagine if you will, the last time you took on some fad diet. How long did it last before you were discouraged and gave up? What would be different had you chosen to approach your diet in a way that is moderate and consistent? Where would you be now?
A frog placed in cold water and brought up to boil is a cooked frog. A frog immersed in boiling water, immediately jumps out. Maybe that is too many analogies for one short commentary. However, the principle applies to moderation, which is like the cold water being heated; you are less likely to jump out of the pot, the diet, the activity, the relationship etc, if the changes are made at a moderate pace.
Leap into something new, fearlessly,
When creating balanced lifestyle strategies, especially those that include losing the excess in life such as weight, emotional stress, or activities, one must consider moderation in all things; exercise, food (especially dessert), fun, work, indoor and outdoor activities. Moderation is the key to consistency, which is the key to success. When applying tools such as new food choices that assist us to remove to the outer layers, or things in the present moments of our life that are in excess, we are better able to remove the under layers that sabotage our success.
Moderation motivates, as it is not extreme and does not lend its self to disappointment or discouragement we do not stop our progress to wallow in these feelings of failure. Fear and failure, plus the fear of failure are the biggest obstacles to making permanent change in our lives. We fear either change it’s self with all of its contingent emotions, or we fear that we will fail and never begin, or if we do begin in spite of the fear of failure, we create self-fulfilling prophecies about our failure. Any way you look at it fear gets in the way. Moderate changes in lifestyle are not scary because they do not require us to let go of so much of what is familiar all at once. So, moderation motivates because it is comfortable.
Slow and steady wins the race and I play to win, do you? In the parable of the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise wins the race with a consistently slow pace. The hare, assuming he has already won due to his confidence in his speed, foolishly falls asleep under a tree and wakes up too late to win the race. Those with who consistently apply themselves to change in a way that is simple and moderate will find themselves at the finish line sooner than they think. Imagine if you will, the last time you took on some fad diet. How long did it last before you were discouraged and gave up? What would be different had you chosen to approach your diet in a way that is moderate and consistent? Where would you be now?
A frog placed in cold water and brought up to boil is a cooked frog. A frog immersed in boiling water, immediately jumps out. Maybe that is too many analogies for one short commentary. However, the principle applies to moderation, which is like the cold water being heated; you are less likely to jump out of the pot, the diet, the activity, the relationship etc, if the changes are made at a moderate pace.
Leap into something new, fearlessly,
Monday, February 8, 2010
Awaken Your Inner Goddess
Step into the Mystery of the Divine Feminine this Valentines!
Awake the sleeping goddess energies inside of you and experience greater balance and joy.
Goddess heals the past, lives in the now, and creates the future. She leads out into the world from her heart, is connected to the power of the divine feminine, and the beauty of her soul. She knows her purpose and lives with passion.
MyBiGskinnyLYFE presents a two day seminar for women with holistic life strategies coach, Elle Eyre. Bring your mother, daughter, sister, friend or neighbor to share this amazing experience with you.
Learn how to tap into your internal energy stores, explore and connect to the divine feminine, change the way you think about being an emotional being. Recieve tools and training to improve your relationships, get more of what you want and less of what you do, create loving and joyful environments.
And much, much more!
Thiss event is sponsored by and
Awake the sleeping goddess energies inside of you and experience greater balance and joy.
Goddess heals the past, lives in the now, and creates the future. She leads out into the world from her heart, is connected to the power of the divine feminine, and the beauty of her soul. She knows her purpose and lives with passion.
MyBiGskinnyLYFE presents a two day seminar for women with holistic life strategies coach, Elle Eyre. Bring your mother, daughter, sister, friend or neighbor to share this amazing experience with you.
Learn how to tap into your internal energy stores, explore and connect to the divine feminine, change the way you think about being an emotional being. Recieve tools and training to improve your relationships, get more of what you want and less of what you do, create loving and joyful environments.
And much, much more!
Thiss event is sponsored by and
Friday, January 29, 2010
Everything Is Perfect
As I consider the events that make up a day some seem smoothe and others not so much. It seems that the ones that don't go as expected are the ones that stand out. I believe we are self- correcting beings continually seeking to create balance in our lives.
So, when things don't work out we worry and work to put it into balance. It is important to remember to take a breath, a step back and look at it all from the depths of space and time where the creator of all sits and waits and watches and creates. Taking this perspective allows us to see the creator inside of us is the one who seeks to create change. The recognition that there is something in chaos that calls to us to organize it, intend its purpose then create beauty is a characteristic of our divinity.
My challenge to you is to breathe deeply, and contemplate what it is you are seeing in situations that seem out of order, then, as the creator you are, let go of attempts to go back to do it over and just be who your are. Be a creator. Take the chaos, organize and intend its purpose then create something beautiful. This is the lesson for all of life. We are creators in training given endless ways to practice our creative powers.
So, when things don't work out we worry and work to put it into balance. It is important to remember to take a breath, a step back and look at it all from the depths of space and time where the creator of all sits and waits and watches and creates. Taking this perspective allows us to see the creator inside of us is the one who seeks to create change. The recognition that there is something in chaos that calls to us to organize it, intend its purpose then create beauty is a characteristic of our divinity.
My challenge to you is to breathe deeply, and contemplate what it is you are seeing in situations that seem out of order, then, as the creator you are, let go of attempts to go back to do it over and just be who your are. Be a creator. Take the chaos, organize and intend its purpose then create something beautiful. This is the lesson for all of life. We are creators in training given endless ways to practice our creative powers.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Breath Awareness
Here is a little exerpt from week one of the BiG LYFE Design workshop. In my experience one of the simplest ways to bring more peace into life it to breath. Breathing deeply relaxes the body, clears the mind, and slows the pace of a hectic life. Enjoy the process, feel free to print this off and use it at your convenience, and remember... just breathe.
Breath Awareness
Oxygen plays a vital role in a properly functioning system, it turns fat into carbon dioxide that we release as we exhale and water that supports the hydration of organs and tissues. Our stressful lives keep us in a continuous fight or flight mode promoting quick chest respiration that comes in handy for emergencies. Deep breathing reduces stress on the body telling the brain to return all systems to normal. Breath is also symbolic of accepting, allowing, and gratitude for the gift of life. To retrain yourself to breathe deeply take a moment to discover how you are using breath then practice the continuous breathing exercise that follows.
Do you hold your breath for any length of time? If so, how long?
Do you hold your breath in certain situations? If so, when? Describe the situations and the feelings associated with those feelings.
Do you fully inhale when you are accepting a breath? If not, why?
Do you fully exhale when you let go of a breath? If not, why?
What do you expect from the breath?
What do you receive with each breath?
What do you release with each breath?
When do you expect to accept breath fully?
When do you expect to let go of breath fully?
Continuous Breathing (1-2 minutes)
Imagine in your mind, a vast ocean. See the ocean ebbing and flowing in a soothing rocking motion. Listen to the sound the water makes as it moves onto the beach and then retreats to itself again. Feel the rhythm of the water as it moves, rocking you back and forth, back and forth. Now match your breathing to this rhythm, breathing in and out through your mouth, fully expanding and contracting the diaphragm. Place the index and middle fingers of one hand at the base of the sternum and press in one half inch. Feel the diaphragm as it presses against the fingers, pushing out on them. Continue practicing this breath for a few minutes and use this breath throughout each of the meditations in this section.
Here’s the Skinny…
What was your experience with breathing deep into your belly? What did you feel? Were you able to allow your belly to relax fully? What did you notice in your body as you practice this breath? How did you feel after you were finished with the exercise?
Breath Awareness
Oxygen plays a vital role in a properly functioning system, it turns fat into carbon dioxide that we release as we exhale and water that supports the hydration of organs and tissues. Our stressful lives keep us in a continuous fight or flight mode promoting quick chest respiration that comes in handy for emergencies. Deep breathing reduces stress on the body telling the brain to return all systems to normal. Breath is also symbolic of accepting, allowing, and gratitude for the gift of life. To retrain yourself to breathe deeply take a moment to discover how you are using breath then practice the continuous breathing exercise that follows.
Do you hold your breath for any length of time? If so, how long?
Do you hold your breath in certain situations? If so, when? Describe the situations and the feelings associated with those feelings.
Do you fully inhale when you are accepting a breath? If not, why?
Do you fully exhale when you let go of a breath? If not, why?
What do you expect from the breath?
What do you receive with each breath?
What do you release with each breath?
When do you expect to accept breath fully?
When do you expect to let go of breath fully?
Continuous Breathing (1-2 minutes)
Imagine in your mind, a vast ocean. See the ocean ebbing and flowing in a soothing rocking motion. Listen to the sound the water makes as it moves onto the beach and then retreats to itself again. Feel the rhythm of the water as it moves, rocking you back and forth, back and forth. Now match your breathing to this rhythm, breathing in and out through your mouth, fully expanding and contracting the diaphragm. Place the index and middle fingers of one hand at the base of the sternum and press in one half inch. Feel the diaphragm as it presses against the fingers, pushing out on them. Continue practicing this breath for a few minutes and use this breath throughout each of the meditations in this section.
Here’s the Skinny…
What was your experience with breathing deep into your belly? What did you feel? Were you able to allow your belly to relax fully? What did you notice in your body as you practice this breath? How did you feel after you were finished with the exercise?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Quieting the Mind
By Elle Eyre
Learning to listen to the body by quieting the mind through meditation is vital to recognizing what your body is communicating to you, receiving inspiration, creating clarity, and reducing stress. As you practice quieting your mind, you will find meditation is easy and a quick method to rejuvenate when there is no time for napping. This beginning meditation is designed to give you an initial experience with quieting your mind. In advanced coaching, you will receive additional meditations that create specific results, or, have little, if any, guided imagery. Quieting your mind expands you into a realm of new possibilities available for you to choose from as you create your life’s strategy.
Daily Grounding Meditation (5-15 minutes)
Complete each morning just before getting out of bed and at night just as you get into bed, and anytime you feel a need to rest and rejuvenate. Be sure you are comfortable. Wrap a blanket around you because your body temperature will drop; this will allow you to maintain a longer, deeper meditative state. If you are finding that you are falling asleep before you complete the meditation, try sitting in a comfortable chair, or on the floor with your sit bones on a folded blanket to create a straight and relaxed torso position. You may choose to play soft instrumental music in the background to time yourself and to give your mind another focus. Use as many musical selections as are appropriate for the time you have allotted for your meditation. Extend your meditation time as your mind becomes stronger and can more easily become quiet.
Close your eyes. Feel the pull of gravity on your body as you are sitting or lying down. Focus on the spot behind your eyes and between your ears and drop it down into your heart space. Take long deep breaths, 4-5 seconds on the inhale and 4-5 seconds on the exhale. Move the breath up the front of the body and down the spine or up the spine and down the front of your body, massaging the spine as the breath moves along it. Begin at the belly and allow it to relax. Finish each breath in the chest, expanding and lifting. Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears. Allow the body to move naturally with each breath. Thoughts may come; that is ok; just let them go as easily as they came.
Focus your attention on each breath. Notice the sounds that are all around you now. You do not have to change anything, just be aware of what is going on around you and let it go. Focus on the breath. Now, imagine a beam of golden light coming down from the heavens and pouring into the crown of your head. Allow the light to saturate your body, exiting through to the floor. Create a grounding cord of light moving down through the floor beneath you, down through the earth to the earth’s core. Tie the cord off around the core of the earth. Feel the pull of gravity as the cord tethers you to the earth. Feel the energy of the earth as it pulsates along the cord of light up through your body, into the heavens and then returns, creating an endless cycle of energy connecting heaven and earth with this cord of light moving through you. You feel revitalized, clear, loved, and abundant. Continue to focus on the breath. When you are complete, come back into your body. Wiggle your fingers and your toes. Stretch. Gently open your eyes and come back into the room.
Resource: MyBigSkinnyLYFE Design Portfolio©: Six Weeks to Success Workshop; Week One.
Learning to listen to the body by quieting the mind through meditation is vital to recognizing what your body is communicating to you, receiving inspiration, creating clarity, and reducing stress. As you practice quieting your mind, you will find meditation is easy and a quick method to rejuvenate when there is no time for napping. This beginning meditation is designed to give you an initial experience with quieting your mind. In advanced coaching, you will receive additional meditations that create specific results, or, have little, if any, guided imagery. Quieting your mind expands you into a realm of new possibilities available for you to choose from as you create your life’s strategy.
Daily Grounding Meditation (5-15 minutes)
Complete each morning just before getting out of bed and at night just as you get into bed, and anytime you feel a need to rest and rejuvenate. Be sure you are comfortable. Wrap a blanket around you because your body temperature will drop; this will allow you to maintain a longer, deeper meditative state. If you are finding that you are falling asleep before you complete the meditation, try sitting in a comfortable chair, or on the floor with your sit bones on a folded blanket to create a straight and relaxed torso position. You may choose to play soft instrumental music in the background to time yourself and to give your mind another focus. Use as many musical selections as are appropriate for the time you have allotted for your meditation. Extend your meditation time as your mind becomes stronger and can more easily become quiet.
Close your eyes. Feel the pull of gravity on your body as you are sitting or lying down. Focus on the spot behind your eyes and between your ears and drop it down into your heart space. Take long deep breaths, 4-5 seconds on the inhale and 4-5 seconds on the exhale. Move the breath up the front of the body and down the spine or up the spine and down the front of your body, massaging the spine as the breath moves along it. Begin at the belly and allow it to relax. Finish each breath in the chest, expanding and lifting. Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears. Allow the body to move naturally with each breath. Thoughts may come; that is ok; just let them go as easily as they came.
Focus your attention on each breath. Notice the sounds that are all around you now. You do not have to change anything, just be aware of what is going on around you and let it go. Focus on the breath. Now, imagine a beam of golden light coming down from the heavens and pouring into the crown of your head. Allow the light to saturate your body, exiting through to the floor. Create a grounding cord of light moving down through the floor beneath you, down through the earth to the earth’s core. Tie the cord off around the core of the earth. Feel the pull of gravity as the cord tethers you to the earth. Feel the energy of the earth as it pulsates along the cord of light up through your body, into the heavens and then returns, creating an endless cycle of energy connecting heaven and earth with this cord of light moving through you. You feel revitalized, clear, loved, and abundant. Continue to focus on the breath. When you are complete, come back into your body. Wiggle your fingers and your toes. Stretch. Gently open your eyes and come back into the room.
Resource: MyBigSkinnyLYFE Design Portfolio©: Six Weeks to Success Workshop; Week One.
quiet mind,
well being,
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Learn, Laugh, Share
MyBigSkinnyLyfe is a place to learn, to share and to laugh about the big and skinny of life. As I experienced the ebb and flow of life, which felt more like I had entered a boxing ring, I recognized that humor was the best remedy to the low times. I would share with my family and friends some of the humorous insights to the current events and experiences in my life and it lightened my load. You see, life as I had known it had fallen completely apart. As I learned and studied how to restore balance to my life, as if it existed in the first place, I felt a passion for teaching others how to create balance in thier lives which led me to coaching.
I began as a fitness coach. There I learned many things about human nature as well as human bodies. I recognized that the emotional and spiritual part of our lives plays a significant role in the physical part of our lives. That in the fitness industry the focus is on the skinny, constantly reducing ourselves to a little as possible when life calls us to live as big as possible. This is a terrible inbalance. As my mind contemplated the idea of finding balance with fitness and fit-ness I found that I was doing it backwards. I was looking for a physical solution in hopes that if I looked perfect and I lived perfectly on the outside then everything would be all right. That it would feel the same as when I would scrape my knee and my mom would put a Band-Aide on it, kiss it and make it all better. Working out, dieting, housekeeping, scrapbooking, volunteering, clothes, hair colors (I'm certainly not saying that a good hair color doesn't transform my world because it absolutely does... for about three months when my roots appear), pedicures, acrylic nails, car, house and pets all became Band-Aides in my mind, and money is definately not a kiss.
With each client I learned more and more about how powerful the spirit self was. I began using meditation techniques with resistance training and watched as clients improved by leaps and bounds. The more I read and the more I learned about the soul and the powers of creation I found that balance is a moderation of all things. I learned that when allowed to be led by the spirit self nothing was impossible. And so here I am. Living my passion. It feels so good to say that and even better to really believe it. I do believe that there are endless possibilities and the opportunities to have our hearts desire open up all around us in every moment everyday, the key? Opening the heart to receive those desires.
I am the student and the teacher and as I learn I want to share with you. I have hope that you will find the words I write to be informative, inspirational, and sometimes funny.
And because life's scale has two sides, unbalanced and balanced, I'll see you on the other side (the side of balance.)
I began as a fitness coach. There I learned many things about human nature as well as human bodies. I recognized that the emotional and spiritual part of our lives plays a significant role in the physical part of our lives. That in the fitness industry the focus is on the skinny, constantly reducing ourselves to a little as possible when life calls us to live as big as possible. This is a terrible inbalance. As my mind contemplated the idea of finding balance with fitness and fit-ness I found that I was doing it backwards. I was looking for a physical solution in hopes that if I looked perfect and I lived perfectly on the outside then everything would be all right. That it would feel the same as when I would scrape my knee and my mom would put a Band-Aide on it, kiss it and make it all better. Working out, dieting, housekeeping, scrapbooking, volunteering, clothes, hair colors (I'm certainly not saying that a good hair color doesn't transform my world because it absolutely does... for about three months when my roots appear), pedicures, acrylic nails, car, house and pets all became Band-Aides in my mind, and money is definately not a kiss.
With each client I learned more and more about how powerful the spirit self was. I began using meditation techniques with resistance training and watched as clients improved by leaps and bounds. The more I read and the more I learned about the soul and the powers of creation I found that balance is a moderation of all things. I learned that when allowed to be led by the spirit self nothing was impossible. And so here I am. Living my passion. It feels so good to say that and even better to really believe it. I do believe that there are endless possibilities and the opportunities to have our hearts desire open up all around us in every moment everyday, the key? Opening the heart to receive those desires.
I am the student and the teacher and as I learn I want to share with you. I have hope that you will find the words I write to be informative, inspirational, and sometimes funny.
And because life's scale has two sides, unbalanced and balanced, I'll see you on the other side (the side of balance.)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Feng Shui Your Life
Conscious living practices create balance and bring peace and joy to life. Feng Shui is a conscious living practice that cultivates awareness about the energies of all things and their relationship with each other; teaches about human nature and environmental stewardship; provides formulae to restore balance to the soul, to relationships, and to the environment; eliminates environmental "noise," opening the mind to receive the endless possibilities of creation; and allows expansion of the soul to fulfill divine purpose.
Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy for interpreting environments. Formulae are used to determine optimal positioning of objects in an environment to support the energies of the individual. These formulae are designed to flow with changes in season, in circumstance, and in the environment. Feng Shui considers the energies of the earth, the heavens and the soul and correlates these energies to create balance.
After becoming familiar with the philosophy and formulae of Feng Shui practice an intuitive connection to one's own energies is forged. This relationship with personal energy forces allows the individual to approach the creation of balanced living simply. Strengthening trust in personal intuition opens the mind to the vast possibilities of creation and expands the soul.
When life is balanced and energies are flowing in harmony with each other greater peace can be felt. By eliminating environmental "noise" the mind and body are open and ready to receive and to give with greater capacity, thus expanding the individual to fulfill divine purpose and experience greater joy.
Because Feng Shui is founded on principles of energy it can be applied to other methods and practices for creating balanced health and well being. Such holistic practices may include but are not limited to; Yoda, Tai Chi, Meditation, Ayruvedic Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbalism, Reflexology, Massage, and Aromatherapy.
Reference: Feng Shui, Mind and Body Spirit and Home, by Gill Hale and Mark Evans.
See you on the other side,
Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy for interpreting environments. Formulae are used to determine optimal positioning of objects in an environment to support the energies of the individual. These formulae are designed to flow with changes in season, in circumstance, and in the environment. Feng Shui considers the energies of the earth, the heavens and the soul and correlates these energies to create balance.
After becoming familiar with the philosophy and formulae of Feng Shui practice an intuitive connection to one's own energies is forged. This relationship with personal energy forces allows the individual to approach the creation of balanced living simply. Strengthening trust in personal intuition opens the mind to the vast possibilities of creation and expands the soul.
When life is balanced and energies are flowing in harmony with each other greater peace can be felt. By eliminating environmental "noise" the mind and body are open and ready to receive and to give with greater capacity, thus expanding the individual to fulfill divine purpose and experience greater joy.
Because Feng Shui is founded on principles of energy it can be applied to other methods and practices for creating balanced health and well being. Such holistic practices may include but are not limited to; Yoda, Tai Chi, Meditation, Ayruvedic Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbalism, Reflexology, Massage, and Aromatherapy.
Reference: Feng Shui, Mind and Body Spirit and Home, by Gill Hale and Mark Evans.
See you on the other side,
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